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Migration: Joomla 1.5 - prospects of success, problems, opportunities

As of: January 31, 2024

Migrating a Joomla 1.5 website to a newer version presents different challenges and opportunities than migrating from Joomla 1.0. Here is a rating based on the criteria provided:

Is it worth it?

  • Short-term : For smaller to medium-sized websites, migrating from 1.5 to 1.6 or 1.7 could be relatively easy and provide short-term benefits, particularly in terms of security updates and minor functionality improvements.
  • Long-term : Moving to versions such as 2.5, 3.10, 4.4 or 5.0 can provide significant long-term benefits as these versions offer improved security, better user experience and more modern features.


  • Migrating from 1.5 to 1.6 or 1.7 is comparatively less complex as these versions have relatively similar structures.
  • Moving to versions like 2.5 or 3.10 adds complexity, but is feasible and well documented. Joomla 2.5 and 3.x offer improved usability and security features.
  • Migrating to the latest versions 4.4 or 5.0 is more challenging as these versions introduce deep changes to the core and extensions.

Chances of success

  • Regarding 1.6 or 1.7 : Relatively high chances of success with limited effort, but with little added value.
  • Regarding 2.5 or 3.10 : Good chances of success with careful planning and implementation. These versions are stable and well supported, but do not offer the latest features and improvements.
  • Regarding 4.4 or 5.0 : Chances of success are good, but dependent on the availability of compatible extensions and the willingness to make necessary adjustments. These versions offer the greatest benefit in terms of features, security and future-proofing.

It's better to do it completely new

  • A rebuild might make more sense for websites with outdated designs, custom extensions, or specific requirements that cannot be efficiently implemented with newer Joomla versions. A rebuild provides the opportunity to leverage modern web development practices and completely modernize the platform.

Security risks

  • Migration : Joomla 1.5 has known security vulnerabilities that can be fixed by migrating to a newer version. Choosing a newer version significantly improves security.
  • Rebuild : A rebuild allows for the implementation of current security standards and technologies from the start, which is often the safest option.

Problems that cannot be solved with a migration

  • Design and User Experience : As with migrating from Joomla 1.0, a migration does not automatically update the design. An outdated theme can affect the user experience, regardless of the Joomla version.
  • Deprecated Extensions : Some extensions developed for Joomla 1.5 may not be compatible with newer versions. This can lead to loss of functionality if modern alternatives are not available.
  • Performance : Higher versions of Joomla may offer improved performance, but this depends on the hosting environment and website optimization.


Migrating from Joomla 1.5 to a newer version can be worthwhile, especially if the website is still in active use and has a solid foundation. The choice of target version should be carefully considered, with the latest versions (4.4, 5.0) offering the greatest benefits but also requiring the most effort. However, in some cases, a rebuild might be a better option, especially if the site needs a major overhaul.