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Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

vom 04.01.2025 bis 12.02.2025 macht die newtastic GmbH Betriebsferien. Ab dem 13.01.2025 sind wir wieder wie gewohnt für Sie erreichbar.

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Joomla updates & upgrades

Performing Joomla updates and upgrades for improved security and performance
Wann ist diese Leistung sinnvoll? Wenn Sie...
Close security gaps
Use new functions
Ensure compatibility
Optimize performance

Joomla updates & upgrades for your company

Always up to date and safe on the go

Our “Joomla Update & Upgrades” service supports small and medium-sized businesses and public companies in keeping their Joomla installations up to date.  Through regular updates and upgrades, we ensure that your website always offers the latest functions, security gaps are closed and performance remains at a high level.  We take care of version updates, installing security patches, updating extensions and checking compatibility with other system components.  This ensures that your website functions smoothly and contributes to the satisfaction of your customers.  Thanks to our many years of experience with Joomla, we can make the update process efficient and time-saving, so that you can concentrate on your core business.

  • Security: Protection against security vulnerabilities and potential attacks
  • Current: Always up to date with the latest technology
  • Compatibility: Ensuring all components work together
  • Performance: Optimize the speed and stability of your website
  • Efficiency: Saving time and resources through professional support
  • Scalability: Easily adapt to growing requirements
  • Risk Mitigation: Minimizing potential problems and failures
  • Customer satisfaction: Better user experience for your customers
Always up-to-date and secure website
Effort for updates and upgrades

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