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2009 - | Joomla Agency

Utilize the full potential of


with the help of our experts!

Only Joomla. Nothing else!

Specialized in Joomla

We are familiar with many different systems but still choose to offer only Joomla. Such a complex web landscape requires strong focus to extract the best possible results from each system.

Good relationships in the Joomla scene

The Joomla community is like a family, and we are more than just partners or a simple network. We and you, as our client, benefit from these close relationships.

Wide range of services

In 90% of cases, we can directly meet our customers' requirements. For the remaining 10%, we organize a competent service provider.

15 Jahre Erfahrung

Due to our diverse customer base, we gain insights into a wide variety of problems. This allows us to draw on a wealth of experience to ideally support you in your next project.

Certified Joomla! 3.x Administrator

Officially certified by the Joomla Project, you can expect a minimum level of Joomla 3.x Administrator knowledge from us.

Good and Honest Advice

If Joomla is not suitable for your project, we will tell you! Business is important to us, but good advice is more important.











The Joomla Agency Team

Founded in 2009 by Ufuk Avcu in Hamburg, the Joomla Agency has since established itself and actively supports its clients in the digital age. Starting as a one-man team, then as a duo, we have now reached 5 cooperation partners. These are internationally known and have many years of experience in developing extensions and supporting Joomla projects.
The specialization in Joomla was a conscious decision. Developed entirely by volunteer programmers and the only one of the three major CMS without a large financial backer, the Joomla community is a unique mix of amateurs and professionals. This creates an exceptionally strong ecosystem around Joomla, which we love and from which you as a customer benefit.

Ufuk Avcu

Templates, Plugins, Support, Beratung

Oliver Schuldt

Projektmanagment, Dokumentation

Viktor Vogel

Entwickler, Tech Evangelist

Yves Hoppe

Entwickler, Systemarchitekt

David Neukirchen

Entwickler, Systemarchitekt


Facility Managment, Marketing