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How do I recognize a good Joomla agency?

When choosing a Joomla agency, there are some crucial factors to consider to ensure you receive the highest quality service:

  1. Specialization in Joomla!
    It is advantageous if a provider relies on Joomla! specialized rather than offering a wide range of CMS. Specialization often indicates deeper expertise and higher quality.

  2. Checking references
    Examine the agency's references carefully. Pay attention to the number, timeliness and diversity of the reference projects listed.

  3. The agency's own website
    Using a standard template for your own agency website can be an indicator that individual customer requests may not be optimally implemented.

  4. Pricing and hourly rates
    Extremely low hourly rates should be questioned as they may indicate hidden costs, miscalculation or poor quality.

  5. Accessibility and contact
    The accessibility of the agency is crucial. Difficulties in establishing contact can be a sign of poor communication during project work.

  6. Performance orientation
    An agency that accepts all requests without discussion may be primarily seeking profit. Complex wishes should always be critically examined and discussed.

  7. Commitment to Joomla! Community
    Participation in Joomla! User Groups (JUGs) and other events show an active commitment to Joomla! Community and can be a quality feature.

  8. Development of your own templates and extensions
    The ability to develop individual templates and extensions is a sign of high adaptability and competence.

  9. Understanding Joomla! architecture
    A deep understanding of Joomla! Architecture is essential for the future-proof and flexible implementation of projects.

  10. years of operation
    The length of time in business can be an indicator of experience and seriousness. Agencies that have been on the market for several years have generally proven themselves.

  11. Size of the team
    The size of the agency should fit your project and your requirements. Smaller teams often offer flexibility and personalized service, while larger teams can offer a broader range of expertise.

  12. Currentness of the content
    Check whether the agency's content, such as the copyright date, blog or testimonials, is updated regularly. Stagnation can be a sign of lack of activity or negligence.

These criteria serve as a guide to select a Joomla agency that meets your needs and delivers the quality you need for your successful website.