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End of Life: Joomla 1.6


Today, August 19, 2011, we mark a significant moment in Joomla history - the official end-of-life (EOL) of Joomla 1.6. This step is not only an indication of the constant advancement of technology, but also a sign of the constant evolution and improvement that characterizes Joomla as one of the leading content management systems (CMS).

Background to Joomla 1.6:

Joomla 1.6 was received with much enthusiasm as it offered numerous improvements and new features over its predecessors. It introduced an improved access control system (ACL), better structured menu management and a refined category structure. These innovations brought a breath of fresh air to the Joomla community and enabled more flexible and powerful website development.

Meaning of the end-of-life of Joomla 1.6:

The EOL of Joomla 1.6 may seem like an end to some, but in reality it is an important step towards even more powerful and secure Joomla versions. With the end of support for Joomla 1.6, we are turning our attention and resources to developing and improving Joomla 2.5 and future versions.

What does this mean for Joomla users?

  • Need to update: Users of Joomla 1.6 should update to a newer version as soon as possible to benefit from improved features, security updates and technical support.

  • Security risks: Remaining on a version that is no longer supported can expose your website to security risks by no longer providing security patches or updates.

  • New possibilities: Moving to Joomla 2.5 not only offers security, but also access to new features and an improved user experience.

Looking into the future: Joomla 2.5 and beyond

Joomla 2.5, the successor to Joomla 1.7, is already in the starting blocks and promises a number of improvements and new features that build on the experiences and feedback from previous versions. With Joomla 2.5, users can expect an even more powerful and user-friendly platform, ideal for creating and managing modern websites.


The end-of-life of Joomla 1.6 is a natural part of the life cycle of a software and a sign of progress and development. It is an invitation to the community to move forward together towards a safer and more powerful future. We thank all the users and developers who made Joomla 1.6 what it was and look forward to the exciting possibilities that Joomla 2.5 will bring.